This "list of Drewry descendants and collateral families" is extensive (view a list of surnames only) and contains 1,429 surnames and 7,215 individuals. The list is in alphabetical surname/given name order. Follow the links for the alphabetical letter the surname you wish to view begins with. A separate page listing the Drewry descendants is provided.
The information provided for each (where available) includes a person's first and middle names, nickname, and birth and/or death dates. Women who married are listed by their maiden name and not their married name.
If you have information about anyone in the list, especially those without birth and/or death dates, I would appreciate your your e-mailing me that information. I would particularly appreciate short biographies, obituaries, etc. which add much to the book beyond just names and dates. If you have questions about anyone in the list please use the e-mail button to send me an e-mail. I will respond as quickly as possible.
The Drewry List Page
Surnames beginning with A, B or C
Surnames beginning with D, E, F, G or H
Surnames beginning with I, J, K, L, M or N
Surnames beginning with O, P, Q, R or S
Surnames beginning with T, U, V, W, Y or Z
Surnames appearing in red have from 20 to over 100 names listed.
Abbot, Abernathy, Adams, Addicks, Aden, Ady, Alcorn, Aldish, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Allen, Alley, Allison, Almond, Alston, Alsup, Altvater, Anderson, Andrews, Annunziato, Appleton, Ardoyne, Area, Aretakis, Argo, Arnett, Arnold, Arrington, Ashmore, Asquith, Atkins, Atkinson, Atwell, Aurin, Ausbin, Austin, Avent, Ayer, Ayers |
Bage, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Balch, Baldwin, Ballard, Bamman, Baretto, Barham, Barker, Barkley, Barner, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Barrick, Barroni, Barrowman, Barton, Baskin, Bass, Bateman, Bates, Batte, Baxter, Bayne, Beahm, Beale, Beamish, Beaser, Beaton, Beauchamp, Beech, Bek, Belcher, Bell, Benchley, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Berkley, Berry, Bertrand, Bettis, Betz, Beville, Bevins, Bibb, Bickerstaff, Biddle, Biggs, Birchett, Bittle, Black, Blackburn, Blackmon, Blackwell, Blair, Blakemore, Blalock, Blick, Bloodworth, Blount, Blurton, Boehling, Boerner, Bohannon, Bohm, Boisseau, Bolles, Bond, Boone, Booth, Booton, Booze, Boris, Bosher, Boston, Boswell, Bosworth, Boucher, Bouldin, Bowden, Bowels, Bowers, Bowman, Bowron, Box, Boyd, Boyette, Boylan, Braddock, Bradford, Bradley, Bragg, Branch, Brann, Bratchi, Braton, Bratton, Brawner, Breslin, Brett, Brewbaker, Brewer, Brewster, Bridges, Bright, Briley, Brinkley, Bristow, Britt, Broach, Brock, Brockett, Bronough, Brooks, Brower, Brown, Browne, Browning, Bruff, Bryan, Bryant, Buck, Buckenmyer, Buckner, Buford, Bull, Bullock, Bunton, Burch, Burcham, Burgess, Burgin, Burk, Burke, Burket, Burns, Burrier, Burruss, Burton, Bush, Butler, Butterworth, Butts, Byers, Bynum, Byram, Byrum |
Cahoon, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callard, Callaway, Calvary, Meron, Campbell, Cann, Cantrell, Cappello, Capps, Cargill, Carithers, Carnegie, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carroll, Carter, Carvell, Cary, Casey, Cass, Castile, Casto, Cate, Cates, Catron, Caudle, Cerny, Chalkley, Chambers, Chambliss, Champion, Chanana, Chandler, Chapman, Chappell, Chappelle, Cheatham, Cheathem, Cheatum, Cheek, Cheshire, Childers, Childress, Childs, Chives, Choate, Chord, Christian, Claibourne, Clark, Clarke, Clatterbuck, Claude, Claywell, Cleary, Cleatus, Clements, Cloe, Clonch, Clower, Cloyd, Clymer, Clymore, Coalter, Cobb, Cockerham, Coddington, Cofer, Cogan, Cohen, Coker, Coles, Collie, Collier, Collins, Comer, Conduff, Conneley, Conner, Cook, Cooper, Copenhaver, Cormell, Cornwell, Cossitt, Cottrell, Covington, Cowling, Cox, Crabb, Craft, Craig, Craighill, Cramer, Crampton, Crawford, Creasey, Creasy, Crews, Crider, Criswell, Crittenden, Crockard, Cromwell, Cronch, Cross, Crowder, Crum, Crump, Crutchfield, Culp, Culpepper, Cummings, Cunningham, Curle, Curry, Cutulle |
Dabbs, Dabney, Dalton, Daniel, Darden, Darling, Daugette, David, Davidson, Davis, Dean, Deen, Deford, Dejarnette, Delanegra, Deleon, Delorenzo, Demurr, Denhart, Denning, Denton, Derryberry, Detrona, Devany, Dewberry, Di Stefano, Dickerson, Dickinson, Didelle, Diebold, Diggs, Dillard, Dixon, Dodd, Dodson, Dolan, Dollar, Dominguez, Dooley, Doughtie, Douglas, Dowdy, Downey, Drake, Drewery, Drewett, Drewry, Drummond, Dryden, Duckworth, Duff, Dugan, Dumeresque, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunnam, Dunning, Duport, Duty |
Earls, Earnest, Easley, Eaton, Echoles, Echols, Edwards, Elam, Ellett, Elliot, Ellis, Ellison, Elver, Ely, Embry, Emery, Engstrom, Ennis, Enslow, Epperson, Errickson, Ervin, Eskew, Essary, Etheridge, Eubank, Eure, Evans, Evetts |
Fairfield, Farley, Farmer, Farthing, Faubert, Faulkner, Featherstone, Feerer, Fenerty, Fennell, Fentress, Ferguson, Fergusson, Fetch, Fickes, Fife, Fillingim, Firebaugh, Fish, Fisher, Fishley, Fisk, Fleming, Flewellen, Flippin, Floweree, Flowers, Floyd, Flynn, Foote, Ford, Forren, Forrest, Forrester, Foster, Fouche, Foust, Fox, Foy, Francis, Fraser, Frazier, Free, Freeman, Fritschi, Frosberg, Frucht, Fry, Fuller, Fuqua |
Gaille, Galey, Gallalee, Gallant, Galyean, Gamble, Gardner, Garland, Garner, Garnett, Garrett, Garrison, Gartman, Gary, Gassanay, Gaster, Gaston, Gates, Gatewood, Gatlin, Gay, Gearheart, Gedris, Geoghegan, George, German, Gerrish, Gibson, Gill, Gillette, Gilliam, Givler, Glazer, Glenn, Glidewell, Glisson, Godden, Godwin, Golden, Goodall, Goode, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodwin, Goodwyn, Goolsby, Gores, Gormlie, Gorter, Gossett, Gough, Graff, Graham, Graney, Granthem, Grattan, Grave, Gray, Green, Gregory, Grenley, Grey, Gridley, Grieder, Griffin, Grigg, Grimsley, Griner, Grist, Grizzard, Groom, Grooms, Grumbine, Guerrard, Guess, Guibe, Guice, Guilmartin, Gunn, Gurley, Gwaltney |
Haga, Hague, Haisty, Hale, Hall, Halsey, Halstead, Hamic, Hamilton, Hammock, Hampton, Hanes, Hanley, Hannah, Hanno, Hanson, Harding, Hardwick, Hardy, Harper, Harral, Harrell, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrup, Harshberger, Hart, Harte, Hartley, Hartwell, Harwood, Haskins, Hasting, Hauenstein, Hawley, Hawthorne, Haydon, Hayward, Heacock, Heath, Hedges, Hedrick, Hefflin, Hefley, Heidelberg, Heindl, Helper, Helton, Henderson, Hennessy, Henry, Herbert, Hernandez, Herndon, Hickman, Higginbothan, Hill, Hillis, Hincherick, Hindle, Hines, Hinkley, Hinson, Hinton, Hirton, Hite, Hobbs, Hochquertel, Hodum, Hodumn, Hoelscher, Hofammann, Hoffman, Hogge, Holland, Holley, Holliday, Holmes, Holt, Holthaus, Holtzclaw, Hood, Hoofnagle, Hoon, Hoover, Hopkins, Hoppe, Hopper, Hornbeak, Hornbuckle, Horne, Horner, Horrworth, Horton, Hosch, Hosek, House, Houston, Howard, Howell, Hu??, Hubard, Hubbard, Huckabee, Huddleston, Hudgins, Huelsman, Huey, Huffstetler, Huggins, Hughes, Hughey, Humphrey, Hunt, Hupp, Hurley, Hurt, Hussey, Hutchens, Hutchenson |
Ingram, Irby, Irwin, Iverson |
Jackson, James, Janney, Jarrell, Jaynes, Jeans, Jelks, Jenkins, Jennings, Jeno, Jervey, Jeter, Jobe, Johnson, Johnston, Joiner, Jones, Jordon, Joslin, Jowers, Joy, Joyner, Judkins, Judson |
Kaler, Kammerling, Kapenekas, Kasinger, Keene, Keifner, Keith, Keller, Kelley, Kello, Kelly, Kenley, Kennamer, Kennedy, Kent, Kerns, Kerr, Ketchum, Key, Keyes, Kidd, Kientz, Kilgore, Killough, Kimery, Kinard, Kindred, King, Kingsley, Kinzie, Kirk, Kirkman, Kitchen, Kluttz, Knapp, Knott, Knowles, Knudsen, Kobler, Koesy, Krankoski, Krilow, Krobath, Kroenke, Kurz, Kutz |
Ladew, Laferney, Lafouche, Lampley, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Lanham, Lanier, Lannom, Lasiter, Lassiter, Latch, Lathrop, Latimer, Lavan, Law, Lawson, Leach, Leary, Ledlow, Lee, Leggett, Leigh, Lemanger, Lemon, Leonary, Lesuer, Leverett, Lewellen, Lewis, Leynes, Ligon, Liles, Lind, Linkenhoker, Lipps, Lipscomb, Litchford, Little, Lloyd, Lockhart, London, Long, Love, Lovelace, Loveless, Lovett, Lowe, Luckett, Lucy, Lundy, Lyles, Lynch, Lyon, Lyons |
Mace, Macgill, Macguire, Machado, Mackey, Macklin, Macyauski, Maget, Maher, Mallory, Maloney, Mangum, Manis, Mann, Manns, Marby, Marek, Marion, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, Mask, Mason, Massengill, Massey, Materne, Mathes, Mathias, Mathis, Matthews, Mauney, Mawyer, May, Mayall, Mayer, Maynard, Mayo, Mcadams, Mcateer, Mcbride, Mccaleb, Mccalester, Mccarthy, Mccarty, Mcceny, Mcclaren, Mcclelland, Mcclung, Mcclure, Mcclusky, Mccollum, Mccord, Mccormick, Mccown, Mccoy, Mccrarey, Mccrary, Mccraven, Mcculloch, Mccullough, Mccutchin, Mcdaniel, Mcdermed, Mcdermott, Mcdonald, Mcdowell, Mcduffie, Mcfadden, Mcfarland, Mcgehee, Mcgeorge, Mcghee, Mcgregary, Mcguire, Mcintyre, Mckee, Mckenny, Mckeown, Mckessie, Mckinney, Mcmullan, Mcmullen, Mcnair, Mcneer, Mcneese, Mcphee, Mcrae, Mcwilliams, Meadows, Mecom, Medford, Medlin, Meeks, Melton, Meminger, Mendelson, Mepham, Merrill, Merry, Merseraux, Messengill, Metcalf, Methany, Mi(?), Micek, Millard, Miller, Millering, Miskelly, Mitchell, Moffitt, Molnar, Monahan, Moncure, Monroe, Montgomery, Moody, Moon, Moore, Moorer, Moors, Morecock, Morefield, Moreland, Morgan, Morrill, Morrison, Moseley, Mosley, Moss, Mount, Mounts, Mueller, Mullins, Munnerlyn, Murfree, Murphy, Myers, Myrick |
Nabers, Nabors, Nance, Nash, Nauffer, Neal, Nealon, Nelms, Nelson, Nevels, Neville, New, Newcomb, Newland, Newton, Nicely, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Nininger, Nobles, Nobrega, Nock, Noel, Norfleet, Norris, North, Northington, Norton, Norwood, Nostitz, Nottingham, Nuismer, Null, Nutt |
O'connor, O'keefe, Oakley, Ogden, Olive, Oliver, O'neal, Orr, Osborn, Osborne, Osterhoudt, Osterman, Oswalt, Overton, Owen |
Padden, Pak, Palmer, Pannell, Parchman, Paredes, Paredes-Regalado, Parham, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parott, Parrish, Parrott, Partridge, Pate, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Pearson, Peavy, Pellington, Penn, Penner, Pennington, Perchella, Perdue, Perkins, Perry, Person, Petticrew, Pettway, Pharr, Phelps, Phillips, Pickens, Piemonte, Pierce, Pillion, Piltz, Pinkston, Pinnazi, Pinnix, Pipkin, Pippin, Pistole, Pitman, Pitt, Pittman, Pitto, Pitts, Poarch, Pogue, Polizzi, Pollard, Pollock, Pond, Ponder, Ponds, Pontius, Pope, Porter, Porterfield, Posey, Potter, Powell, Powers, Presson, Pridgen, Priest, Prince, Pritchett, Probst, Pruette, Pryor, Puller, Pulliam, Purcell, Purdy, Purnell, Purvis, Putman, Putnal, Putnam |
Quick, Quidley, Quinn |
Raburn, Radar, Ragan, Raine, Rainey, Rait, Rakes, Ralph, Randolph, Ransone, Rasmussen, Rauch, Rawles, Rawls, Ray, Reaves, Redd, Reddick, Redding, Redmon, Reed, Reeks, Reeves, Reid, Rencher, Renfro, Renfrow, Rensendez, Revercomb, Revere, Reynolds, Rhinehart, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richardson, Riddlebarger, Ridenhour, Ridley, Riley, Rimmer, Rives, Rixey, Roach, Roberson, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rochelle, Rock, Roddenberry, Rodgers, Rodgester, Roesser, Rogers, Roland, Rolland, Roney, Rooks, Rose, Rosenbaum, Ross, Roundtree, Rowe, Rowland, Rowsey, Royce, Royston, Rozycki, Ruby, Rudisill, Rushing, Russell, Rutherford, Ryding |
Salmon, Salter, San Arthur, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandoval, Sanger, Saniford, Savage, Savin, Sawyer, Sayers, Scammell, Scates, Schaffeld, Schill, Schnabl, Schneider, Schroeder, Schroeger, Schrupp, Schulman, Scofield, Scott, Scruggs, Scully, Seabury, Sease, Seay, Sebrell, Sell, Sellers, Sewell, Sexton, Shadburn, Shannon, Sharp, Shaw, Shaw,, Shearin, Sheffer, Sheffield, Shell, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shibut, Shiflett, Shirley, Shook, Short, Shuttles, Sides, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Singh, Sitterson, Skelley, Skinner, Slade, Slaughter, Slusher, Smiley, Smith, Smithson, Smythe, Snead, Sneldon, Soigner, Spangler, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Sperou, Spicer, Spickel, Spivey, Spurlock, Squires, Stack, Stacy, Stafford, Stagawald, Stallings, Stammers, Stark, Starke, Starling, Stebbin-Allen, Steber, Steele, Steger, Stein, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stickney, Stocker, Stokes, Stone, Stoner, Story, Stout, Stow, Streuli, Strickler, Strong, Stroud, Stroupe, Strozier, Stuck, Sublett, Suitor, Sullivan, Surber, Sutherland, Sutton, Swann, Sweatman, Sweeney, Swift, Swindell, Swinford, Swisher, Swoope, Sykes, Syms |
Tanner, Tansil, Tapp, Tarver, Tate, Tatum, Tavenor, Taylor, Tazewell, Teague, Terrell, Terrill, Terry, Terryberry, Thielemier, Thiermann, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thornton, Thorp, Thrasher, Thurmond, Tice, Tillman, Timberlake, Tims, Tinsley, Todd, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Tong, Train, Traywick, Trent, Tress, Trevathan, Trimble, Trippeer, Troxler, Truehart, Tucker, Tull, Tunstall, Turnbull, Turner, Tuttle, Tutwiler, Tyson |
Umberger, Underwood, Upton |
Vaden, Vaiden, Vance, Vanderberry, Varnedoe, Vaughan, Vaught, Vest, Via, Vick, Vicks, Vivirski, Voyles |
Wachtler, Wade, Wages, Waggoner, Wagner, Waldon, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Walton, Ward, Warfield, Waring, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Waschenko, Watkins, Watt, Watts, Wear, Weatherington, Weatherly, Weathers, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Wedaman, Weisiger, Welch, Weldin, Wellons, Wells, Welsh, Wesson, West, Westbrook, Westenfelder, Westfall, Westmorland, Wharam, Wharton, Wheeler, Whipple, Whitaker, White, Whiteborn, Whitehead, Whitehorn, Whitehurst, Whiteside, Whitlock, Whitted, Whittington, Whittle, Wicker, Wilbanks, Wilbourne, Wilkerson, Wilkinson, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willis, Willoughby, Wills, Wilson, Winstead, Winston, Winters, Witt, Wolf, Womble, Wood, Woodall, Woodard, Wooddell, Woodruff, Woods, Woodson, Woody, Wooten, Worlledge, Worthington, Wren, Wright, Wyatt, Wyles |
Yancey, Yates, Yetis, Young |
Zeigler, Zimmerman |
Last updated November, 1999. |