Ancient ruins of the Roman Theater
We had only a limited amount of time in Alexandria and could only
see a couple of the sights that it had to offer. Our first stop
would be the ancient ruins of the amphitheater built by the Romans
when they occupied the city. I know you might laugh, but it's kind
of fun to walk among these ancient ruins and think of the people
that lived during those times, especially those we are familiar
with like: Julius Caesar, Marc Anthony and, of course, Cleopatra.
You can't help but wonder if at some distant time in the past they
stood where you are standing and enjoyed a Roman play on a beautiful
summer night. No, it's nothing to get excited about and it certainly
won't buy you a cup of coffee in any restaurant I know, but it's
fun wondering what they experienced in those ancient times. I guess
it's modern man's desire to walk in the steps of those that came
before them and know what it was like to have lived in such a place
so many centuries ago.
Alexandria had little to do with the old Kingdoms of Egypt as it
was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. toward the end of
the Pharonic period that we know so much about. They worked hard
to make Alexandria the center of the Hellenistic world, of arts
and learning, and insured that, with Rome, it was one of the two
most important cities in antiquity. On its shores stood the lighthouse
of Pharos, one of the original seven wonders of the world, and the
great library at Alexandria was exceeded by none in its time. These
great wonders were destroyed by earthquakes and fires long ago.
After the death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. Egypt became a Roman province.
Today archaeologists are discovering much of ancient Alexandria
under the seas off Alexandria.
Leaving the Roman ruins we proceeded to visit the King's Palace
(right). It was from here that the last King of Egypt, King Farouk
I, abdicated the throne in 1952. Located by the ocean the palace
grounds were beautiful and the buildings extravagant compared to

King Farouk I's Palace
what we had seen while riding
through Alexandria. The palace today is used to house visiting heads
of state and dignitaries who are visiting Egypt. |

Beach at the palace

Flowers blooming on the palace grounds
Before we knew it our time in Alexandria was up and it was time
to head back to the ship. Returning to the ship we would learn a
valuable lesson that would help us throughout the rest of our stay
in Egypt. That lesson was to be very careful and basically trust
no one. When we returned Anne and I paid the tour guide and boarded
the ship. A few minutes later the tour guide motioned to us from
the dock and told us that two of the people on the tour had not
paid him. He wanted Anne and I to pay him and collect from the two
that did not pay. I was smart enough to decline that suggestion
and told him that we would try to find the two he said had not paid.
When we did we were told that they had indeed paid him. It was nothing
more than a scam to get more money.
Shortly after boarding we set sail for Port Said, the port city
for Cairo, which was just a short overnight sail away from Alexandria.
As we left Alexandria the Sun was setting and I got a couple of
good silhouette photos.
Continue to the next page for more pictures of Egypt.