question the time Anne and I spent in Luxor and the surrounding area
was a highlight of this magnificent trip. There we had the opportunity
to view some of the world's most ancient and valuable treasures, the
chance to walk amongst the ruins and, more importantly, the chance
to reach out and touch these beautiful treasures. I can't tell you
how much more meaningful it is to experience such things first hand.
You just can't compare it to reading about them in a book or watching
television documentary. Actually walking amongst the ruins puts it
all into proper perspective. |
Luxor we would board our tour bus for the journey upriver to Aswan,
home of the magnificent dam built by the Egyptians and Russians just
a few years earlier. On this journey we would get a good perspective
of what modern-day life is like in Egypt. The Nile, without question,
brings life to Egypt. Where the Nile is there are lush, green pastures,
and where it is not there is only hot, dry sand. Life throughout Egypt
is centered around this life-giving river and it is beautiful. Modern
day Egyptians are as dependent today on beast of burden like the camel
and donkey to do everyday chores. On the way to Aswan we passed a
large herd of camel being readied for auction (right). |
wall at Edfu
our drive to Aswan we would stop at several ancient ruins along
the way. The first would be the great temple at Edfu. Edfu is a
small town along the Nile that would probably have been forgotten
long ago had it not been the home of this temple, perhaps the best
preserved in all of Egypt. The temple at Edfu ranks second behind
Karnak simply because of it's immense size, approximately 230 by
400 feet with a pylon measuring over 100 feet high.
temple is dedicated to the god Horus and at its entrance stand two
large black granite statues of Horus who is depicted as a falcon.
The elaborate carvings on the walls of the temple are beautiful
and as if carved just yesterday. Inside the temple was a small sanctuary
where our tour guide related that the priests of the day offered
the best parts of the animals to the gods. He then asked us to guess
what the best part of the animal was that was offered to the gods.
His answer was a bit surprising, but absolutely correct. He explained
that the animals were burned on the altar and what was offered to
the gods was the smell of the burning flesh. Think about it. Even
the worst cut of meat can smell absolutely delicious while cooking
a few pictures of Edfu.
wall of the Edfu Temple

temple at Edfu is magnificent, but it lacks the many elaborate
statues that are present at Karnak. But the temple wall carvings
are beautiful. This was one of my favorite temples, probably because
it was dedicated to one of my favorite Egyptian gods, Horus.
Pylon at Edfu
on Pylon
of Horus
Edfu we would continue our drive upriver (south) to our next stop,
Kom Ombo. Kom Ombo was the ancient city of Pa-Sebek (translated
to mean the "home of Sabek"), the crocodile god. Crocodiles
were worshipped in pre-dynastic times and the temple at Kom Ombo
is dedicated to this Egyptian god. Of note concerning this temple
is its unusual style. It is actually two separate temples joined
on one side. One temple is dedicated to Sebek, the crocodile god,
and the second to Haroeris, Horus the Great, the solar god of war.
Sabek was the god of fertility who is believed to be the creator
of the world.
these pictures of Kom Ombo.
of Kom Ombo Temple
the crocodile god

of a crocodile
temple actually contained hundreds of mummified crocodiles hidden
away in different chambers.
the Kom Ombo Temple
wall engravings
column dedicated to Horus
to the next page and enjoy pictures of Aswan, Egypt. |