Having visited the mosque
we then headed over to an old Coptic church. Nearby were many interesting
dwellings and alleyways. |

Someone's home in Cairo

Sweeping the street

Cobble stone walkway

Cobblestone alley

Anne standing in a small
cobblestone alley
For anyone who has never visited a third-world
country it's difficult to actually describe the conditions that exist.
The pictures you see on this and the other pages somewhat describe
what life must be life for the citizens of Egypt and Cairo, but they
don't fully describe what you encounter when visiting these countries.
Some of it is pretty hard to believe, for example: At the end of our
trip we took an overnight train from Aswan back to Cairo. We had first
class accommodations with a sleeper cabin. The glasses in the cabin
were filthy and unusable, but the bed appeared clean. Early the next
morning as we were arriving in Cairo Anne and I were looking out the
window. There were hundreds of people walking to work along the tracks.
Some were dressed in suits, others in work clothes and children dressed
for school carrying their books. Amidst all of this activity and people
traffic I was literally dumbfounded to see laying in the dirt the
carcass of a donkey that had died quite some time ago. Its flesh had
long since decayed and the only thing remaining was the hide and bones.
It lay flat on the dirt and people were walking around it. When it
died it was left exactly where it was for time and nature to take
care of. I would have thought that they would have removed it. Donkeys
are indeed beast of burden in Egypt. |

Alley leading to the Coptic
church we visited
Another funny (to me) story happened while we were in Egypt. Several
in our group decided to take a dinner cruise on the Nile one evening.
Zenab made the arrangements and we met in the lobby at the appointed
time. Zenab negotiated the cab fare with the driver and told him
where to take us and when to pick us up. She then instructed us
not to pay the driver until he returned us to the hotel. Had we
paid him beforehand the chances of our getting back to the hotel
would have been slim.
On the cruise the eight of us sat at a table for ten. Anne and
I sat next to each other on the outside of the table. Next to me
was an empty seat, then a small opening and a table for two. Shortly
after we arrived a well dressed Egyptian couple arrived and took
the table for two nearby. He was dressed in a suit and she in full
Muslim attire. Having had dinner Anne and I visited the desert table
and selected a few choice items to share. Arriving back at the table
we placed the plate between us and, as we enjoyed the treats, we
rested our forks on the plate between bites. When the entertainment
began, a belly dancer, the Egyptian couple changed positions. She
took the outside seat with her back to the dancer and he the inside
seat. It was clear he was enjoying the belly dancer quite a bit
and she was not at all happy about that. As he smiled and enjoyed
the dance she continually kicked him under the table. At no time
did she ever turn to look at her. During his excitement with the
dancer he accidentally knocked his fork onto the floor and didn't
notice that he had done so. When the dance was over and he began
to pay attention to his desert he noticed his fork was missing.
I could see him looking around for the fork and followed his eyes
to the plate that lay between Anne and myself with our two forks
resting on it. Before I knew it, he was half standing and leaning
toward me with his outstretched hand. To my amazement he was going
for one of the forks on our plate. I quickly intercepted his hand
and pointed to his fork laying on the floor. He simple nodded and
secured another fork from the waiter. I've laughed about that many
times since it's happened.
One of our last stops in Cairo was the site where Anwar Sadat was
assassinated some years earlier and the monument they erected in
his memory.

The reviewing stand where Anwar Sadat was assassinated

Monument to Sadat

Sadat's Tomb
This concludes the last page of the pictures from Cairo. We saw
so many more wonderful things in Cairo but, because of rules and
regulations, we weren't allowed to photograph them. I wish I had
pictures of all the wonderful things we saw in the Egyptian Museum,
but it wasn't possible. We, of course, bought the mandatory tour
books with lots of pictures in them, but I cannot put them on these
pages because of copyright laws.
Our next stop on our tour of Egypt would be even better than Cairo
with some magnificent ruins to see and enjoy. Join us as we travel
to Luxor, Egypt, the site where the mighty city of Thebes originally
stood as the capital of the Egyptian Kingdom for centuries. At Luxor
we would tour the magnificent Temple of Karnak and travel across
the Nile to visit the Valley of the Kings and Queens. This would
prove to be the highlight of a magnificent trip.