Arriving at Port Said
After boarding the ship in Alexandria
it was just a short, overnight sail to Port Said, the port city for
Cairo. Anne and I were anxious to leave the Atlas and begin our week
touring throughout Egypt. Spending the day in Alexandria we experienced
our first taste of Egypt, however, we still had no real idea from
just those few short hours exactly what Egypt would be like. We were
in for numerous surprises and they would begin as soon as we docked
in Port Said. |

Luggage Ferry
In Port Said we met our guide, Zenab, for
our escorted tour through Egypt. We were fortunate as our group only
consisted of 16 people. Of the 16 one other couple was in our age
group and the remainder considerably older. We waited on board the
Atlas, watching them off load our luggage to a small boat (right),
while Zenab cleared the necessary paperwork with immigration and customs.
With things seemingly in order we boarded the small taxi boat for
the ride to the docks. Passing through customs a customs inspector
became very interested in my cameras and, for whatever reason, he
made a written entry regarding the cameras in my passport. With the
formalities behind us we were free to board the tour bus for the drive
to Cairo. Having only 16 in the group was a blessing. We had plenty
of room on the bus and got plenty of individual attention from the
tour guide throughout the trip. |
The bus ride from Port Said
to Cairo would take about two hours and fully introduce us to the
poverty and living conditions that existed within Egypt. There wasn't
much to see on the road from Port Said to Cairo, mostly desert with
a few small towns or villages. We did catch a glimpse of a few smoke
stacks of ships passing through the Suez Canal, but we never actually
saw the canal. Geoff and Anne from Palo Alto, Ca. were the other couple
on the tour that was our same age and we quickly made friends during
the bus ride. About midway through the journey Anne asked Geoff to
ask Zenab if we could stop as she needed to use a bathroom. Zenab
quickly came to speak with Anne and tired desperately to get her to
wait until we arrived at the hotel in Cairo, about an hour away still,
but Anne indicated she needed to stop now and couldn't wait. Within
a few minutes we found ourselves pulling into a small village. In
the center there was a gas station of sorts and small convenience
store. Anne and I looked forward to getting something cold to drink
while there. Leaving the bus Anne and Geoff went in search of the
bathrooms. Once located she walked inside and immediately came back
calling to Anne, Geoff and myself. She invited us to take a quick
look at the condition of the bathroom. We did and were shocked by
it. Imagine the dirtiest bathroom you've ever seen, multiply that
by 100, and you probably won't even come close to how filthy that
place was. The smell alone was unbearable. It was enough to make anyone
who had to use the bathroom change their mind. But Anne needed to
go. She didn't, however, want to touch anything inside the bathroom.
Having seen the deplorable conditions Anne and I left in search of
a cold drink. Anne asked her husband, Geoff, to stay and stand in
the doorway while she went to the bathroom. That way she wouldn't
have to touch the door to close it and she would have some semblance
of privacy. From that point onward we made sure that we didn't need
to use a public bathroom throughout the rest of the trip.

Our first view (left) of the city was not
encouraging. Like Alexandria the skyline was partially obscured in
the distance by heavy smog. But, as we approached it seemed to get
better. Maybe it was just our excitement at actually being in Cairo
that seemed to make it better. Let's face it, there are many cities
throughout the world that have a smog problem so why should Egypt
be any different? |

City of the Dead

City of the Dead
The first thing that we really got a good view of was the massive
cemetery they call the "City of the Dead." The "City
of the Dead" is also a"City of the Living" as many
of the poorest people in Cairo make the cemetery their home. Almost
everywhere you looked you could see makeshift housing and people
scurrying about doing their daily chores and carrying water.
I guess the next thing you'd say we were introduced to was the
traffic. Having traveled all over and experienced some of what we
think is the worst traffic nightmares, like the Long Island Parkway
at rush hour, the San Diego Freeway between Los Angeles and San
Diego on a Friday afternoon, or the beltway around Washington, D.C.,
well, let me tell you, that's nothing compared to Cairo. The traffic
was horrible. The road conditions were not good and the slightest
thing could, and often did, bring traffic to a standstill. You can't
imagine how bad the traffic is until you've experienced it firsthand.
But, Anne and I were anxious to arrive at our hotel, the Holiday
Inn at Giza because we knew from there we would get our first glimpse
of the great pyramids at Giza. We weren't disappointed at all.
Holiday Inns are not by any
means my first choice of hotel, but this was a fully escorted tour
and all the arrangements where made by the tour company, TWA Getaway
Vacations. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by the Holiday
Inn at Giza. It was a modern hotel and very nice, you might even class
it as a luxury hotel with all the amenities we expect of modern western
civilization. And, more important, we had a wonderful view of the
pyramids at Giza right from the hotel grounds and our room. |

Holiday Inn with the pyramids
at Giza in the background

Swimming pool at the Holiday Inn with pyramids in the background
The Holiday Inn proved to be
an excellent base of operations while in Cairo. It was close to the
pyramids at Giza, close to the center of the city and far enough outside
to make access to the roads easy and quick. |
The hotel was not without it's little quirks, like most hotels.
There were two things in particular. First, no matter how well you
managed to make sure the shower curtain was inside the tub and apparently
closed, the floor still got soaking wet from leaking water. Second,
you're cautioned not to drink the water or even use ice cubes in
your drinks. I soon learned why. We put some sodas on ice one night
in the sink. The next morning when I returned the bottom of the
sink was covered with sand that had been in the ice cubes. The restaurant
was good and served western style meals, but we stayed away from
all fresh vegetables and salads as advised by our tour guide.
Arriving at the hotel after a full day, Anne and I were both pretty
tired. All I wanted to do was get something good to eat and just
sit back and relax. Anne learned that there would be a light and
sound show, like the one we attended at the Acropolis in Athens,
that first evening, but I begged off feeling I was too tired to
attend. Unfortunately they would not repeat the show while we were
there and we would miss it altogether. Believe me I've regretted
being the reason we missed that show and have wished a thousand
times we had gone. Sorry honey!
With the exception of traveling from Port Said to our hotel at
Giza, the only other thing we accomplished was to exchange some
of our money into Egyptian Pounds at a pre-approved government office.
As is often the case, in third world countries there is a black-market
for US dollars, and Egypt was no exception. To get the best rates
possible you went to pre-designated government offices and not to
the local banks. This required us to walk several blocks from the
hotel, the first time we were alone on the streets of Cairo. Changing
the money took some time, but I have to give it to the Egyptians.
They did things with a flare. Our visas, obtained from the Egyptian
Embassy in New York, had beautiful and colorful stamps on the pages
of our passport, and the money exchange receipt form also contained
such stamps. I still have the receipt a full 17 years later. Walking
the streets was a bit uneasy at first. There weren't to many people
on the streets in the area that we were in and those that were did
not look that safe. We were approached several times by individuals
offering money on the black-market, but declined having just changed
some money. We did stop to look in several stores on the way back.
We made our first purchases there, a gold Ramses II cartouche for
Anne and a gold Key of Life for me, both well known Egyptian symbols.
Continue to the next page to discover the treasures of Sakkarah
and Memphis, the old kingdom.